Wednesday, February 20, 2008

2008 Lunar Eclipse Pictures I Took

Hey, Everyone. Here are some pictures of the Total Lunar Eclipse from 2/20/08 that I took. I used a Canon digital SLR with a telephoto lens. These were tough pictures to take. For one thing, it was about 10 degrees out (maybe colder) and the other thing--it was very hard to focus. These 3 are the best out of maybe 100 pictures that I took.

Click for a closer view!

This first one below is about 10 minutes before the total eclipse. The bright part is the sunlight reflecting from the moon and the dim part is caused by the earth blocking the sunlight--the moon is in our shadow!

This one below is the moment of total eclipse! The Moon is totally in the Earth's shadow. You can notice a faint reddish glow to the moon. In effect, what you are seeing is the refraction of all the sunsets all over the world as well as dust in the atmosphere (sometimes the reddish dust from volcanic debris in the air!)

This one below is a pretty cool shot--a little wider angle. The blue star towards the top is Regulus in the constellation of Leo the Lion. The bright thing in the lower left is actually the planet Saturn. Maybe you can see the outline of the rings? Through my nice telescope in the garage, Saturn looks fantastic!

All Pictures (C) 2008 Marvin S. Chomer All Rights Reserved


adrianarraquel said...

Those are some gorgeous pictures. I love the third one with Regulus and Saturn. Tonight's Eclipse was just AMAZING! Great job! :)

adrianarraquel said...
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adrianarraquel said...

did I say tonight? LOL i mean ... last night's! :P (yeah yeah we stayed up late last night and woke up too early... haven't had my coffee yet! lol) :P


Marv Chomer said...

Thank you for the kind comments! I really appreciate them.
