This is probably the biggest gold-mine in the dealership for car salespeople and one that is almost 100% of the time neglected--the service customer.
Did you know that people come to your service department who bought at another dealership?
Did you know that people come to your service department who bought off of a salesperson who is no longer at your dealership?
If you answered no to either of the above questions then wow!
OK--how would you like to sit around in the service department all day and talk to people and try to gain prospects for future sales?
Didn't think so--that would take too much time.
Here is a technique to have the prospects come to you. I went to the office supply store and bought a small box--about 1 foot square. I then went to the dollar store and bought some shiny paper to put around it so it would stand out. I then put a slit in the top so cards could fit into it. I put a sign on the side of it that said, "Enter to Win Gas or Food Gift Cards" on the side. I then printed up some post cards that had this on it.
Name: _________________
Address: _________________
Phone: __________________
Email: __________________
What Car are you Driving? __________________
Where did you buy it? __________________
How do you own it? ()Lease ()Finance ()Own Outright
If a Lease, when is the lease up or expires? ________________
Who in your family is next in line for a car? _________________
What would they like next? ______________
When would they be in the market? ________________
May I contact you when we have great sales or promotions? ()Yes ()No
Of course, the post card is much better formatted than the example above. You know what else? I had 30 people fill it out in 2 days. Of course some have salespeople at my dealership (I am not a skater so I give the cards to the appropriate salesperson but hey--you do what you want!) but there are some great leads. You know what else? Someone will win the prize--especially if they are in the market for a car right now if you get my drift!
Try this out--it is a non-confrontational way to gain new prospects--you can even call each one of them and do a survey asking how their service experience went and ask them directly for prospects (Who in your family will be next in line for a car?)
Thanks and have a nice Easter!